Take a bite
Photo Credit: Liz Erb Firmstone; Wilson’s Apple Orchard, Iowa City, IA
Why is it that we make problems into more than they need to be?
Whether a problem is big or small is actually a relative thing. It depends on where you are in your life and your life circumstances. These factors will lead each individual to feel differently about what might be the same exact issue. To one person a problem seems huge and unsolvable; terrifying and stressful. To another person that same problem may seem manageable or even easy.
Getting caught up in comparisons is not going to help either. Just like scrolling through Instagram, Tik Tok or Facebook is not going to help you improve your wardrobe, your social calendar or your vacation plans, comparing your problems to those of others is just not going to get you anywhere.
What really matters is where you put your energy. Are you going to focus on how “bad” your problem is and think about all the negative ways you will be affected? OR will you choose to use the “problem” as an opportunity to grow, by living and leaning into what life is bringing you - trusting in the fact that you can use this problem as fuel.
Each situation in life has valuable lessons within it. It takes work, inner personal work, to shift our perspectives and practice radical acceptance that our lives (and yes, our problems) are happening just as they need to be.
So next time you sense a “problem” consuming your thoughts, imagine it as your favorite fruit and try and “take a bite” with new taste buds. Maybe you will like it.