Stuck in a Loop
Photo Credit: Liz Erb Firmstone Iowa City Pedestrian Mall - Loop Outdoor Art Exhibit
Some loops are fun! What a blast to enjoy a ride in a flourescent loop - this one in Iowa City is artistically fun and even romantic at night. Loops usually start out that way…really fun in the beginning. We are there in the loop because we choose to be. It is a novelty, almost like a carnival ride.
Being in a loop can start off with good intentions and can feel really great. The motion is new and exciting and we might be in there with a trusted companion. Everyone is having a good time. What could be the harm in that?
Sometimes, though, the loop becomes a trap. We get too comfortable and we get complacent. We may lose perspective or motivation to try new things. Time passes and the next thing we know our friend has moved on, day has turned to night, and we are still stuck in the loop.
Let’s watch out for loops in our lives. Ones that are serving us well are great. Definitely keep them and call them good habits. However, when you identify a loop that has got you “trapped”, give it a nasty sideways look and take some time to work your way out of it in the most graceful way possible.
Coaching is a great way to “break the cycle" of being stuck in a loop. A great coach will reflect back to you the parts of yourself you can’t see very well. This gives you a chance to take a look at them and decide whether or not they are things you want to keep, change, or maybe get rid of.
See you ‘round the bend!