What is Strategic Doing?
In March 2023 I became a Strategic Doing Practitioner through training made available by the Iowa City Area Development group at MERGE in Iowa City. I am looking forward to the future growth and use of the Strategic Doing philosophy and concept as it is put to good use and practical application in our community as we work to create an ever better place to live and work!
Strategic Doing
An open-source discipline for designing and guiding complex collaborations by following simple rules.
Strategic Doing enables leaders to generate solutions to wicked problems. It is a field-tested practical approach to leverage networks and ecosystems quickly—just what we need now to survive and thrive.
We are moving toward a more open, equitable, and regenerative world. We are unleashing our human ingenuity through collaboration, entrepreneurship, challenge innovation, and ecosystems.
Our work supports a new generation of leaders. Strategic Doing practitioners are committed to the hard, heady work of transforming our world. They guide complex collaborations by mastering our oldest technology: the conversation.
We are explorers on the path to what's next: designing new organizations, policies, and systems. If our work inspires you, discover our many touchpoints, and join us.
In 2011, a group of Strategic Doing practitioners from all over the United States gathered at a public park near Purdue University. They composed a credo, a set of beliefs that drive our work.
1. We believe we have a responsibility to build a prosperous, sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.
2. No individual, organization, or place can build that future alone.
3. Open, honest, focused, and caring collaboration among diverse participants is the path to accomplishing clear, valuable, shared outcomes.
4. We believe in doing, not just talking -- and in behavior in alignment with our beliefs.